Cyber Threat Report

Hackers leak documents stolen from Pentagon contractor Leidos
Leidos serves prominent clients including the US Department of Defense (DOD), the Department of
Homeland Security (DHS), NASA, and various other US and foreign agencies. Read More

Cisco warns of appliances vulnerable to RegreSSHion vulnerability
Cisco said dozens of its networking and communications devices are likely vulnerable to a recently disclosed SSH vulnerability. Read More

CISA warns chemical facilities may have been hacked in CSAT breach
Attacker may have site security plans for chemical facilities all over the US, CISA warns.
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Researchers Urge Immediate Action on New EmailGPT Vulnerability Exposing Users to Data Breach
The implications of this EmailGPT vulnerability are profound. Read More

NATO Draws a Cyber Red Line in Tensions With Russia
This is clearly a strong and coordinated statement by NATO allies warning Russia to curtail the activity of APT28. Read More

Lessons From LOCKED SHIELDS 2024 Cyber Exercise
The PRC [People’s Republic of China] has made it clear that it considers every sector that makes our society run as fair game in its bid to dominate on the world stage, and that it plans to land low blows against civilian infrastructure to try to induce panic and break America’s will to resist. Read More

Russian Sandworm Hackers Pose As Hacktivists In Water Utility Breaches
The Sandworm hacking group associated with Russian military intelligence has been hiding attacks and operations behind multiple online personas posing as hacktivist groups. Read More

US State Department Investigating Another Data Leak
Five Eyes data was stolen from right under their nose. The threat actor stole and leaked documents from tech consulting firm Acuity, which specializes in cybersecurity, DevSecOps, data analytics, and operations support services. Read More

White House And EPA Warn Of Hackers Breaching Water Systems
EPA Administrator Michael Regan warned governors today that hackers are "striking" critical infrastructure across the country's water sector. Read More

Organizations Are Knowingly Releasing Vulnerable Applications
92% of companies had experienced a breach in the prior year due to vulnerabilities of applications developed in-house. Read More