Cyber Threat Report

With smaller teams, older technology and fewer resources, small businesses face an increased risk of cyber attacks. In fact, 50% of cyber attacks target small businesses. Small businesses also have a more difficult time recovering from a cyber attack - 60% will close within six months following a cyber security incident. 

Here are some common tactics cyber criminals use, and ways to strengthen your business’ cyber security: 

Cybersecurity incidents can have extensive and far-reaching impacts on businesses, extending well beyond financial losses.

Here are some of the key areas where businesses might experience significant costs due to cybersecurity breaches:

As technology becomes more intertwined with every organization, the risk of a successful cyber-attack also grows. Without a clear understanding of where your security measures may fall short, your operations remain vulnerable to potential threats, disruptions, and other detrimental outcomes.

In the ever-evolving digital realm of today, it is imperative for stakeholders to enforce robust security measures and implement innovative protocols to protect sensitive information and strengthen their infrastructure.

Every 39 seconds, a cyber attack occurs with an estimated 30,000 websites globally attacked every day. Cybersecurity threats can quickly become a reality and if this happens, your organization needs to be prepared with an incident response plan, or IRP.

Phishing is the most common form of cybercrime, with over 3 billion phishing emails sent every day, scammers are constantly looking for new and innovative ways to steal your sensitive data.

A company's cyber security plan can make all the difference in protecting against a data breach, but when a record 60% of all data breaches are internal, it can be hard to know who to trust. In this article, we will go through potential approaches you can take to protect your company's confidential and intellectual property.

Ensuring that you keep your personal identifiable information (PII) safe and protected should be your number one priority. With these tips below, JANUS provides insight on how you can prevent fraud from occurring.

Data security is critical and incidents of data exfiltration result in unwanted attention to organizations, which can lead to financial losses and reputational damage.

Cyber security attacks are on the rise in schools. More technology means more potential threats. Unfortunately, some educators and students are unaware and unprepared for the repercussions posed by these cyber threats.

Due diligence is a process that confirms facts or details of something being purchased, or a contract for services. Due diligence examines all aspects of the deal to confirm that everything is as represented verbally and in writing by the offeror. It’s undertaken to prevent misrepresentations and to uncover potential fraud.