Cyber Threat Report

The Difference Between Attack Surface Management (ASM) and Vulnerability Management (VM)


Organizations today are in a relentless battle against cyber threats, a challenge magnified by the ever-expanding digital landscape. Companies in a risky environment must protect against both known and unknown threats to their digital infrastructure.

This is where the critical roles of attack surface management (ASM) and vulnerability management (VM) come into play. Imagine navigating a complex network of digital assets, each a potential gateway for cyber attacks. Securing gateways is challenging as organizations depend more on digital operations, making the stakes higher than ever.

This article explains the difference between ASM and VM and advises on what to do during an attack.

What is Attack Surface Management (ASM)?

ASM is like setting up a robust defense system for your organization. Knowing where your organization is vulnerable online and protecting those spots before trouble hits is important.

Think of your organization's digital presence as a building. Just like a building has doors and windows that need securing, your organization has digital entry points that need protection. These entry points can be anything from your website to your cloud storage, and even the emails your employees send.

The key to effective ASM is attack surface discovery (ASD). ASD is all about finding all the digital nooks and crannies of your organization; known and unknown. It's like checking your building for all possible ways an intruder could get in.

Once you know where your vulnerabilities are, you can start protecting them. This process involves continuous monitoring and updating your defenses as new technologies emerge and your organization grows.

In the world of cybersecurity, ASM is essential. Putting up a firewall and calling it a day is not enough. It should include:

  • Constantly watching your digital footprint
  • Understanding how different parts of your IT system interact
  • Being prepared for any type of cyber threat that might come your way

By effectively managing your attack surface, you're not just preventing cyber attacks. You're ensuring that your organization can thrive safely in a world where digital threats are always evolving.

Exploring Vulnerability Management

Vulnerability Management (VM) is a critical piece of the cybersecurity puzzle. ASM focuses on the broader digital presence of your organization, while VM specifically identifies weaknesses in your system. It distinguishes between the overall picture and targeted vulnerability assessment.

VM involves identifying, assessing, and addressing these weak spots before they become a problem. The process begins with a vulnerability assessment (VA). Here, you examine your IT infrastructure for weaknesses, like old software and possible security gaps.

VA is a check-up for your organization's digital systems. It finds any problems that could make you open to cyber attacks. Once the vulnerabilities are identified, the next step to prioritize is to fix them. This is where VM becomes a game-changer in preventing cyber attacks.

By systematically addressing these weaknesses, you're not just patching up holes in your digital defenses. You're building a stronger, more resilient infrastructure that can stand up to the challenges of today’s ever-increasing threats in the cyber world.

Comparing ASM and VM

Knowing the distinction between ASM and VM is vital for protecting a company in today's intricate digital landscape. These two strategies are like different tools in a cybersecurity toolkit, each serving a unique purpose.

ASM: The Broad Guard

ASM involves obtaining a comprehensive overview of your organization's digital presence, similar to standing on a watchtower and scanning the horizon for potential threats.

This strategy is all about identifying every single part of your IT infrastructure that exists online; your websites, cloud storage, network devices, and everything else; then making sure they're secure. ASM helps you see the whole landscape of types of cyber threats that might target your organization.

Vulnerability Management: The Detailed Inspector

On the other hand, VM involves a more focused approach, with a detailed examination of every aspect of your digital infrastructure, comparable to a detective using a magnifying glass.

It's about finding specific weaknesses or vulnerabilities in your system (such as unpatched software, misconfiguration, or other security gaps) and fixing them. VM hones in on these details to help improve your organizational security posture.

Different but Complementary

While ASM gives you a broad view, VM gives you the close-up details. Both are essential for a comprehensive cybersecurity protection plan.

ASM helps you know how cyber threats can harm your organization, and VM ensures that these threats are not easily exploited.

Integrating ASM and VM in Cybersecurity Strategy

When it comes to running any organization in the digital age, integrating ASM and VM into your cybersecurity strategy is not just a good practice; it's a necessity. This integration is about creating a more complete shield that not only looks at the entire landscape of your digital presence but also zooms in on the specific vulnerabilities within it.

The first step is to set up an effective ASM system. This involves continuously monitoring and updating your defenses against a wide range of cyber threats. Being vigilant and prepared for any kind of digital risk that might come your way is important.

Alongside ASM, running a VM process ensures that you're not missing out on any small cracks in your digital armor. Regular vulnerability assessments and remediation are key to this process.


Attack surface management (ASM) and vulnerability management (VM) are both pillars of a robust cybersecurity framework. JANUS Associates leads in combining these methods, providing customized solutions that match the specific requirements of every organization.

Our commitment to quality and excellence ensures that your digital assets are not just fortified against the diverse range of cyber threats. Don't leave your cybersecurity to chance. Contact JANUS Associates today for a consultation, and step into a world where your digital safety is our top priority.